Our Model

Datframe Cyber Analyze

We analyze your system, identify its weak points, and provide a tailored, robust cyber defense solution to meet your business needs.

Datframe Cyber Integrate

We integrate security measures to ensure that your systems and data are well-protected and efficiently managed seamlessly.

Datframe Cyber Protect

Our offering includes a comprehensive multi-layer defense solution that provides strong and proven protection.

Our Services

Email Protection

With Datframe protection you can secure your business, data, and employees with the most comprehensive protection against most of email threat types. Here is a small list of many feature that we offer:

  • Spam & Malware Protection
  • Malicious Links Live Analysys
  • Mail Server Outage Protection
  • Advanced Threats Protection

Network Protection

Datframe offers a comprehensive advanced network security solutions that provides threat visibility tools suitable for any organization, regardless of budget, size, or complexity.

  • Firewall Appliances
  • Intrusion Prevention (IPS) & Detection
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • eXtended Detection & Response (XDR)

Endpoint Protection

Our solution uses advanced features such as machine learning, behavioral analysis, and threat intelligence to provide real-time detection and prevention of cyber threats

  • In-Office, Hybrid & Remote Work Ready
  • Simple Management
  • Lightweight Agent
  • Compatible with Windows, MacOS and Linux

Backup Services

Critical systems should be protected by best practices and the best toolsets! Datframe BaaS and DRaaS, the simple, flexible, reliable, and powerful solution to protect your virtual and physical workloads.

  • Secure Data Backup
  • Multi-site Backup Solutions
  • Off-site Secure Backup & Replication

Network Audit

Datframe full-cycle network audit is able to provide user friendly visibilty of Internet, Intranet and application activities.

  • Network Audits for cyber threat discovery
  • Risk Assesments
  • Full Assessment Report

Cloud Solutions

Experience tailored cloud solutions with Datframe catering from Small to Medium-sized businesses. We provide a wide range of cloud services to meet the businesses unique needs.

  • Private - Dedicated resources for enhanced security
  • Hybrid - Combination of private and public cloud services
  • Public - Suitable for general applications and non-sensitive data

Our Customers Love What We Do

Working with Datframe guarantees a level of professionalism that every company should expect. Everything from networking to cyber security Datframe goes beyond 5-star service. I trust them fully.

- Christopher Day
IT Manager
Ei Brand Management Group

Datframe EIBrands

We have been working with Datframe for years and they have provided exceptional service. The team has assisted our company with improving our network and increasing our security to help us grow as we move forward.

- Amanda Gascoigne
Operations Manager
Elfe Juvenile Products

Datframe Elfe


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Let's come up with a solution!